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Types of Travel Agency

Types of Travel Agency: Planning Your Perfect Trip

Types of Travel Agency: A travel agent is someone who has a complete understanding of tourist services such as destinations, methods of transportation, climate accommodations, and other aspects of the industry. He is an agent on behalf of the principals or providers of the product and is paid an income. In terms of legality, a travel agent is the manager or owner of an agent; however, other employees are accountable for providing advice to tourists and selling individual elements of travel products.

A travel agent can be an individual, firm, or company that is identified as a Travel agency. A company is the workplace of a travel agent or the organization in which all travel-related goods and services are gathered and coordinated to ensure the efficient running of the businesses of travel agencies.

A travel agency is among the largest businesses in Tourism The private sector makes a major and essential contribution to the overall process of promoting and developing tourism in the country, in a foreign country, or at a place of interest. It’s a travel agent that bundles and organizes every attraction, access facility, amenities, and other service offered by a nation and presents tourists with these services. It is the reason why a travel agency is called the image-builder of a country.

A prospective travel agent arranges the purchase of tickets for travel (air, rail, road, and sea) and travel documents (passports, visas, and other documents needed to travel), accommodations, entertainment, and other services related to travel from principal suppliers. It can also offer travel insurance, foreign currency, and other services for travelers.

History of Travel Agency

One of the first travel agencies in the world was founded by Thomas Cook in 1845 in England. The usage of the term travel trade dates to the beginning of the late 19th century; however, this shouldn’t obscure the fact that the current practice we refer to as travel trade (travel agents and travel operations businesses) was happening much earlier in the past.

In the past, there were travel middlemen who helped traders who were traveling for trade as well as those who traveled to attend religious services.

In 1841, on the day of a lucky event in the world of travel and tourism, Thomas Cook, as secretary of the South Midland Temperance Association, set up a train of 570 members belonging to his organization for a distance of just 22 miles. He bought tickets for trains in large quantities and sold them to the public.

The experiment went well, and everyone was thrilled. Mr. Cook had done his job for no profit. But, in the end, it led to a brand new idea that he turned into a tour business.

In 1845 he set up the World’s First Travel Agency that would organize trips. Because of this unique method, Mr. Thomas Cook is known as the founder of the travel agency business. He was the coordinator of steamship and railway trips throughout England, Scotland, and Europe.

However, the railroads only provided him with a commission of 5%, which wasn’t enough to cover his expenses, so he decided to expand his business into a touring operation.

In 1855, Mr. Cook started operating package tours. He arranged the first tour of the world that ran from England to London to Paris.

Types of Travel Agency

Travel agencies can be classified into two kinds: retail travel agencies and wholesale travel agencies.

Types of Travel Agency

Source: tourismnotes.com

Retail Travel Agency

A travel agency that retails tourist goods directly to the general public on behalf of manufacturers and suppliers of the products and then receives commissions. A few package tours are sold two different ways: on commission and with a markup on the price.

If a travel agency offers tours for sale at a markup price, it is the first time they increase the cost of the tour and then sell it at a more expensive price. This price represents the distinction between wholesale costs and wholesale prices.

Definitions of Retail Travel Agency

According to an assumption by the Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC), a travel agent retail may be described by the ARC as “a business that performs the following functions: quotes fares, rates, makes reservations, arranges travel tickets and accommodation, arranges travel insurance, foreign currency, documents, and accepts payments.”

According to SARC (1967), “retail travel agency business consists of the activities involved in selling tourism products and services directly to tourists and performs normal functions such as issuing air tickets, making accommodation and transportation reservations, providing specialized services, and accepting and making payments.”

The main source of income for travel agencies is commissions from vendors. The amount of commission paid to vendors varies from one organization to the next. Travel component and the component that deals with travel.

A travel agent earns around 90% of their revenue through commissions. The remainder of the 5% comes via consulting services or something similar.

Wholesale Travel Agency

These companies specialize in arranging package tours that are offered to tourists and customers through the retail network of a travel agency or directly to potential clients (when the wholesale travel company has a retail department). Wholesale travel agencies buy tourist products in bulk and create tours.

Sometimes an agency that is a wholesaler purchases travel products directly from the supplier and then sells the components to other travel companies.

Wholesale travel agencies create package holidays and then sell the packages to their clients via retail travel agents. A typical package tour comprises accommodation, air tickets, and other amenities that could also be included, like activities, entertainment, and sporting activities, for example.

The packages are referred to as package tours, and the majority of these packages include the services of escorts. However, certain packages are only sold to individuals who wish to travel by themselves.

The question now is What is the best way for a travel wholesale agency to make money?

Generally speaking, wholesalers get bulk discounts from the main suppliers because a wholesaler may be willing to purchase a significant number of seats on a certain carrier or book a huge number of rooms in an exclusive hotel or resort.

Practically speaking, a wholesaler that sells tours and package vacations is referred to as a tour operator. However, technically speaking, there’s a distinction between the terms “wholesaler” and “tour operator. Wholesalers who sell tourist items on their own without the ability to combine them into a tour are referred to as consolidators. Consolidator.

They are usually specialized in specific products like air tickets, accommodations, conferences, and conventions for instance.

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Difference Between Wholesale Travel Agencies and Tour operators

Wholesale travel agencies can offer packages or focus on developing tours for both inbound and outbound tourists. They are frequently called tour companies; however, they are in essence different

  • Wholesale travel agencies do not directly sell to the general public, whereas tour operators sell directly to their clients.
  • A wholesale travel agency typically connects, assembles, and arranges for travel services already in existence to create a brand-new travel product. She has her own particular component or components of a travel product, i.e. ‘ inclusive tours.’
  • Wholesale travel agencies are less likely than tour companies to provide Ground services, i.e. handling companies and ground operators.
  • A wholesale travel agency could offer a single component of travel services, whereas an operator of tours offers different tour options.
  • The size of the business is huge for tour operators when compared with a travel wholesale company.

Features and Importance of the Travel Agency

The role of the travel agency is crucial in the world of travel business. The most significant characteristics and significance of the business of a travel agency are as follows:

  • A crucial link between clients and the main suppliers.
  • Image-Builder.
  • Provides quick travel assistance.
  • The company provides authentic and reliable travel information.
  • Socialization is a continual process.
  • Develops a positive relationship with customers and vendors.

These are the main aspects that make up the Travel Agency Business.

Functions and Services of Travel Agency

Today, Travel Agencies are acknowledged as a crucial part of tourism and travel and have grown to become an integral component of the tourism and travel business globally. They comprise over 90% of international travel and 70% of national travel and tourism.

Additionally, over 60% of the total revenue from travel agencies comes from business-related travel. The majority of travel agencies offer leisure and business travel; however, there are some that specialize in one field or another.

The operations of every travel agency are determined by the nature of its operations and the size of its organization. This article will discuss the roles of a big-scale travel agency that can perform all kinds of business, such as retail travel agencies, wholesale tours, etc. The principal functions of a large-scale travel company are:

Travel Information

No matter the size of a travel company It must be able to offer the most relevant travel information to travelers. A travel agency should provide accurate and current information on destinations, travel modes, accommodations, shopping, sightseeing, immigration, passports, visas, customs clearance and procedures, security and health rules, as well as various permits required for travel to specific areas, etc.

Itinerary Preparation

The term “tourist itinerary” can be used to define the source of the trip, its destination, as well as all stops in the traveler’s itinerary. It’s composed of various components and was developed following an extensive study of the market. Travel agencies design an itinerary for their tour packages.

Airline Ticketing and Reservations

A travel agency offers various tourism-related products. Reservations and tickets for airline flights remain a significant income source. Travel agencies take care of reservations and ticketing for airline tickets for several airlines.

Tour Packaging and Costing

Travel agencies design tour packages and then sell them to tourists. Pricing and the cost of the tour packages are dependent in large part on the skills of travel agents to their ability to negotiate with their principal suppliers.


It is a crucial purpose of all travel agencies. A travel agency constantly makes connections with the lodging sector as well as the transport industry and other entertainment companies to reserve seats, rooms, and other spaces in the cultural program and transport.

Travel Insurance

A few large-scale travel companies perform other functions to assist their customers. Travel insurance covers travelers against baggage and personal damages resulting from a diverse range of travel-related issues.

Currency Services

An authorized travel agency approved by the Government. The agency provides exchange services for tourists.

Organization of Conference/Conventions

Large travel agencies provide the complete conference or convention package that includes registration of participants at the venue, to be taken to from the hotel/airport overhead projectors, slide projectors VCR, television information counters sightseeing, etc.

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In this comprehensive exploration of the world of travel, we’ve taken a good look at the different types of Travel Agency that help us plan our trips. As we finish our journey, it’s clear that travel agencies do much more than just book our vacations – they’re like travel guides that help us find our way in the world of travel.

Throughout this article, we’ve talked about various Types of Travel agencies that cater to all sorts of travelers. Whether you’re an adventure lover, someone who enjoys the finer things in life, or someone who cares about the environment, there’s a travel agency that suits your needs.

No matter if you’re going on a solo trip, a romantic getaway, a family vacation, or a work-related trip, the “Types of Travel Agency” we’ve discussed here show just how flexible and creative the travel industry can be.

So, the next time you plan a trip, keep in mind that choosing the right “Type of Travel Agency” can make a big difference. They can turn your travel dreams into reality, making your plans into unforgettable experiences.

In a world full of choices and opportunities, understanding the different types of Travel Agency helps you make smart decisions, ensuring that your trip aligns perfectly with what you want.

In conclusion, the world of travel agencies offers many ways to explore our world. Find the one that fits your travel style and let the Travel Agency guide you to discoveries, one adventure at a time.

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