Zubis Travel Vlogs

My First Vlog

My First Vlog: Exploring Puri, Odisha in a Whole New Way

Making My First Vlog was like embarking on a cool adventure where I got to share my experiences in Puri, Odisha with everyone. It was a bit like turning a dream into reality, using videos to show all the awesome things I saw and did. As I went on this vlogging journey, I learned a lot and had so much fun trying out new things.

From the moment I got the idea to make a vlog about my trip to actually recording, editing, and putting it all together, each step was like a new exciting thing to try. My First Vlog wasn’t just about showing a place – it was about telling a story with pictures and videos. Let’s dive into the journey of making My First Vlog, where I’ll share all the cool stuff I learned and the magic of Puri’s places.

The Start of My First Vlog

My First Vlog

My journey into the world of vlogging began with a mix of excitement and curiosity. I wanted to share my adventures in a new way, and that’s when the idea of creating a vlog struck me. Picking a place to start wasn’t easy, but fate seemed to guide me towards Puri, Odisha, a beautiful coastal town with lots to offer.

Getting Inspired

The thought of showing people the places I visit and the experiences I have more visually and engagingly inspired me. I was drawn to the idea of capturing not just the sights but also the feelings and vibes of a location. It was this inspiration that got me excited about creating my first vlog.

Choosing Puri, Odisha

Deciding where to film my first vlog wasn’t straightforward. But when I learned about Puri’s rich history, spiritual importance, and stunning landscapes, I knew it was the right place. It felt like a lucky coincidence that led me to Puri, a destination that perfectly matched my vlogging vision.

Making the Idea Real

Turning the idea of vlogging into reality required a lot of learning and planning. I spent time studying how successful vlogs are made, understanding technical details, and figuring out how to script my narrative. It was a process that involved a lot of effort, but I was determined to create a vlog that captured the essence of Puri.

Facing Challenges and Growing

Creating my first vlog came with its fair share of challenges. Figuring out the right equipment, dealing with lighting and sound, and learning how to balance capturing moments with experiencing them were all part of the journey. Every obstacle I faced became a chance to learn and improve my skills.

Filming Day: Nerves and Excitement

When the day came to start filming, I was a mix of nervousness and excitement. Pressing that record button for the first time was a big step. Juggling the roles of an explorer, storyteller, and videographer was both fun and a bit tough. But every video clip I captured was a step toward bringing my vlog to life.

A Dream Fulfilled

Finishing my first vlog in Puri was a dream come true. It was more than just footage – it was a promise I kept to myself to venture into something new. My first vlog was a way of showing the world what I saw and experienced. It wasn’t just about travel; it was about creativity and sharing a piece of my world.

Looking back, the beginning of my vlogging journey in Puri, Odisha, is a moment I’ll always treasure. It reminds me that every big journey starts with a small step, and every creation begins with a simple idea. This start has opened up a whole new way for me to express myself, and I can’t wait to see where my vlogging adventure takes me next.

Read Also: Puri, Odisha Beach

Sharing My Vlog with Everyone

My First Vlog

After creating my first vlog, the next big step was to show it to the world. This part was a mix of feeling excited, a bit nervous, and very hopeful. I wanted people to see the cool things I experienced in Puri, Odisha, and I was about to share them on the internet for everyone to watch.

Putting It Online: Uploading and Showing

When my vlog was all done and looking good, I clicked a button to put it on my YouTube channel. It felt like sending a part of me out into the internet world. I watched as a progress bar filled up, and I wondered what people would think. Would they like what I made? Would they enjoy seeing the things I saw in Puri?

Waiting for People to Watch: Feeling Different Emotions

Once my vlog was online, I went through lots of emotions. Every time someone watched, liked, commented on, or shared my vlog, I felt so happy and thankful. Reading comments from people who liked what I showed them was the best part. It felt nice to know that they connected with my vlog and liked Puri just like I did.

Talking to Other Travel Fans

Sharing my vlog also helped me talk to others who like traveling and making videos. We talked about Puri, how to make vlogs, and all the fun things about exploring new places. It was like making new friends who also enjoy the same stuff I do.

Spreading the Puri Magic

Seeing more and more people watch and share my vlog was like a big wave of happiness. It was cool to know that my vlog was making people want to visit Puri or just feel happy to see its beauty. Every time someone watched it, the magic of Puri went to new places and made more people smile.

Being Proud of What I Did

As more people saw my vlog and said nice things, I felt really good. Sharing my vlog wasn’t just about showing my trip – it was about making something that people liked and connected with. It was like telling a story that made people happy.

Looking Forward to More Adventures

Sharing my vlog with everyone was a big moment, and it made me want to do more. I want to keep exploring new places, making more vlogs, and showing people the awesome things I find. With each vlog, I hope to make more people excited about traveling and exploring, just like I am.

So, that’s how I shared my vlog with everyone. It was a fun and cool experience that made me want to keep making more vlogs and sharing more adventures with all of you.

My First Ever Vlog

What I Learned from My First Vlogging Adventure

My First Vlog

My first time vlogging in Puri, Odisha taught me a bunch of important stuff. It was like a big learning experience that helped me understand how to make cool videos and tell stories in a fun way. Here are some of the cool things I learned:

Be Patient and Keep Trying

Making a vlog takes time and effort. I figured out that you have to be patient and keep trying even if things don’t go perfectly. Good vlogs take time to make, and it’s okay if they’re not perfect.

It’s Okay to Not Be Perfect

At first, I wanted everything to be perfect in my vlog. But I realized that small mistakes and real moments make it more interesting and real. Being yourself and showing things as they are can make your vlog special.

Stories Make Vlogs Awesome

The best vlogs have good stories. I found out that sharing the story of what happened during my trip makes people want to watch more. It’s not just about showing places – it’s about sharing the feeling of being there.

Balancing Filming and Enjoying the Moment

I learned that while I’m filming, I should also take time to enjoy what’s happening around me. It’s important to have fun and experience things fully, not just look through the camera.

Roll with the Unexpected

When things don’t go as planned, it’s okay. I realized that unexpected stuff can make the vlog even cooler. Being able to go with the flow and make the best of surprises is important.

Talking to People is Cool

I enjoyed talking to people and making friends while filming. It’s awesome to connect with others who love traveling and making videos. We shared tips and stories, and it made the whole experience more fun.

Listening to Feedback Helps

Listening to what people say about my vlog helps me get better. I learned that feedback can show me what I’m doing well and where I can improve. It’s like having a bunch of people cheering me on.

Each Vlog is a Chance to Learn

My first vlog was just the beginning. I know that every time I make a new vlog, I’ll learn something new. It’s like an adventure where I get better and better at making videos and telling stories.

I’m super excited to keep making more vlogs and sharing my adventures with everyone. Each vlog is a chance to have fun, learn, and show the world the amazing places I get to explore!

Read Also: Vlogging Tips for Beginners


Making My First Vlog opened up a new world of creativity and fun for me. It was like opening a door to a place where I could share my adventures in a cool way. But this is just the start of my vlogging journey. There are so many more places to explore, stories to tell, and videos to make. I’m excited to keep going and see where this vlogging adventure takes me next. So, stay tuned for more awesome vlogs coming your way!

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